
Absolute zero encounter

Plaster, Macbook


This work is set in the tradition of a sculptural approach around the assembly and the misuse of objects.

By playing with representation codes, this assembly that we have made from objects with very distinct symbolics and functionalities, generates duality and brings a new aspect to the latter.

A Macbook, object of consumption, elevated to the rank of object of worship thanks to its very refined aesthetics, is blocked between four clamps. they cancel its function and parody its status and the values ​​it represents.

The four clamps that hold the computer/laptop (je ne sais pas de quel modèle il s’agit) closed, were molded from existing clamps and made with plaster. Usually used as to tightly hold things together, they have paradoxically become as fragile and delicate as fine china. Plaster gives them a new symbolic dimension. A contradictory merger then operates between the initial function of the object and its new materiality.

The fragility of the clamps plaster legs that raise the computer/laptop (pareil) above ground, thus exposes it to an even more uncertain future.

An absurd encounter takes place between the Macbook and these clamps.